Work package 5: Training, capacity building, creation of information material, and cross-fertilization in the conversion to organic farming period
Work package 5 aims to enhance knowledge exchange during the conversion phase, focusing on the following objectives and tasks.
- Training for advisors from agricultural organizations on organic conversion, empowering them to support farmers in adopting sustainable practices
- Sharing of key knowledge and skills to ensure successful organic conversion and the adoption of best practices
- Using tailored informative materials, enriched with international experiences, to guide the conversion process
- Emphasizing peer-to-peer learning and idea sharing among stakeholders
- Creating collaborative efforts with other projects, particularly EIP-Agri Operational Groups, to foster innovative practices in organic farming conversion
- T.5.1. Continuous farmer and advisor training related to the conversion to organic farming process
- T.5.2. Technical workshops on aspects related to the conversion to organic farming
- T.5.3. Continuous and personalized advice
- T.5.4. Knowledge Exchange Network for pre- and in-conversion producers
- T.5.5. Meetings between producers participating in the case studies
- T.5.6. Digital Network for the Exchange of Knowledge
- T.5.7. Cross visits
- T.5.8. Collaboration with EIP-OG