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The OH-FINE project partners

The OH-FINE project unites 18 partners from 9 countries, merging a diverse range of expertise that includes research and innovation hubs, academic institutions, agricultural organizations, consultancies, and non-profits.

Project partners:

•    CISC - Spanish National Research Council, Spain, project coordinator
•    Teagasc - Agriculture and Food Development Authority, Ireland
•    Ofiset SL, Spain
•    SGGW - Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
•    AFOA - Mieczysław Górny Ecological Agriculture Forum Association, Poland
•    IPTP - Institute for Polish Culture, Poland
•    Bioselena - Foundation for Biological Agriculture, Bulgaria
•    LAMMC - Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry. Lithuania
•    LEUA - Lithuanian Organic Farmers Association, Lithuania
•    SEAE - Spanish Society of Organic Agriculture. Spain
•    Mersetaria - Mesetaria Cooperative, Spain
•    FiBL AT -  Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Austria
•    ILVO - Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Belgium
•    Inagro - Provincial External Agency in Private Legal Form, Belgium 
•    Hooibeekhoeve - Autonomous Provincial Company Hooibeekhoeve, Belgium
•    Betania - Betania Legio SL, Spain
•    ACN - Cittadinanzattiva APS, Italy
•    FiBL CH - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Switzerland

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