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Work package 6 – Training, capacity building, creation of information material, and cross-fertilization in the post-conversion to organic farming period

Work package 6 aims to advance the post-conversion phase of organic farming, focusing on the following objectives and tasks.


  • Advancing post-conversion organic farming practices
  • Emphasizing the commercialization and advanced techniques like circular/ integrated farming for long-term sustainability and resilience
  • Building networks between arable and organic livestock farms to promote a more integrated approach to organic farming


  • T.6.1. Continuous farmer training related to the post-conversion to organic farming process
  • T.6.2. Technical workshops on aspects related to the post-conversion to organic farming
  • T.6.3. Continuous and personalized advice
  • T.6.4. Knowledge Exchange Network for pre- and in-conversion producers
  • T.6.5. Meetings between producers participating in the case studies
  • T.6.6. Digital Network for the Exchange of Knowledge
  • T.6.7. Cross visits
  • T.6.8. Collaboration with 10 projects
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