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Work package 8 – OH-FINE Impact Assessment of organic AKIS development and knowledge interventions during conversion to organic farming

Work package 8 focuses on the following objectives and tasks.


  • Monitoring and evaluating the learning impact of the project to suggest modifications to knowledge interventions
  • Evaluating social impacts and AKIS changes experienced by farmers during organic farming conversion
  • Examining the economic effects and competitiveness of knowledge exchange methods
  • Pinpointing improvements for the exchange methodology to boost positive impacts
  • Offering conclusions and recommendations to improve knowledge and innovation exchange during organic conversion


  • T.8.1. Project Impact assessment and monitoring
  • T.8.2. Follow-up Assessment of Social Network Impacts
  • T.8.3. Implementation of the knowledge exchange methodology in terms of understanding its economic and competitiveness impacts on the participating farms in the conversion to organic farming phase
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