Work package 11: Sustainability, communication, and dissemination of results 2
Work package 11 continues the work done in work package 10.
- Making the project known to relevant stakeholders
- Ensuring effective execution of communication activities
- Broadly promoting the project through diverse channels
- Providing easy access to information and results on the project website
- Widely disseminating the project findings through customized materials in partner countries
- Securing the project’s legacy and long-term accessibility of its outcomes
- T.11.1 Creation of a communication, dissemination, and exploitation plan
- T.11.2. The communication plan will ensure the long-term use of the project’s results
- T.11.3. Creation of the projects’ website
- T.11.4. A set of dissemination materials will be produced in previous WPs and disseminated widely
- T.11.5. Assurance of the legacy and long-term access to the projects’ output
- T.11.6. Collaboration, knowledge exchange, and joint initiatives